Century's end may bring annual 100-year floods

Most coastal communities will encounter 100-year floods annually by the end of the century, even under a moderate scenario where carbon dioxide emissions peak by 2040, a new study finds. And as early as 2050, regions worldwide ...

Using nature to fight rising seas

Picture Boston Harbor, a few years from now. The East Boston Greenway, a leafy urban trail, no longer stops a block from the pier, but extends into the ocean. A floating semi-circular trail arcs across the water; cyclists ...

Blueprint for a robust quantum future

Claiming that something has a defect normally suggests an undesirable feature. That's not the case in solid-state systems, such as the semiconductors at the heart of modern classical electronic devices. They work because ...

New design means cheaper, more sustainable construction

People are always looking for ways to make something less expensive and more environmentally friendly - and a team of researchers from North Carolina State University has figured out how to do both of those things at once ...

Plastic pollution could be cut by 80% by 2040, says UN report

Plastic pollution could reduce by 80% by 2040 if countries and companies make deep policy and market shifts using existing technologies, according to a new report by UN Environment Program (UNEP). The report is released ahead ...

Sparking new insights into dye chemistry

Fluorophores, a chemical compound that can emit light, can be used as fluorescent labels for bioimaging, and fluorescent probes to detect a wide range of chemical species and physical parameters.

Tuneable emissive organic platform

NUS chemists have developed design guidelines for a type of material platform which can activate and adjust the light emission ability of organic molecules for lighting and display applications.

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