NASA sees Tropical Depression 27W still struggling

Tropical Depression 27W continues to struggle to organize south of the island of Guam in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. NASA's Aqua satellite captured a visible image of the depression that revealed most of the storms associated ...

'Don' and 'Hilary' storm near US

Off the Atlantic coast, Tropical Storm Don is thundering away. Meantime in the Pacific, a roaring tropical depression will be named Hilary if it grows into a tropical storm, according to the National Hurricane Center (NHC).

NASA examines newly formed Tropical Depression 3W in 3-D

Tropical Depression 03W formed in the Pacific Ocean west of Guam on April 24, 2017, and data from the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission or GPM core satellite was used to look at the storm in 3-D. Tropical Depression ...

Victorians were “happier” than we are now, finds CAGE research

New research by the University of Warwick's Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE) and the Social Market Foundation shows that levels of happiness appear to have been highest during the Victorian era, ...

NASA sees Hermine's twin towers

In order for Hermine or any other tropical depression, to intensify there must be a pathway for heat energy from the ocean surface to enter the atmosphere. For Hermine, the conduit may have been one of the two "hot towers" ...

What digital divide? Seniors embrace social technology

Contrary to popular belief, older adults enjoy emailing, instant messaging, Facebook and other forms of social technology. Not only that, but such online networking appears to reduce seniors' loneliness and even improve their ...

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