NASA finds wind shear making Tropical Depression 10E struggle

NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite provided forecasters with a visible image of a struggling Tropical Depression 10E in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Wind shear is preventing the storm from intensifying into a tropical storm.

NASA catches 3 tropical cyclones at 1 time

It's not often that a satellite can capture an image of more than one tropical cyclone, but the GOES-13 satellite managed to get 3 tropical cyclones in two ocean basins in one image today. Bret and his "sister" Cindy are ...

NASA tracking Tropical Storm Franklin

Tropical Storm Franklin formed in the Caribbean Sea late on August 6. NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite captured an image of the Atlantic Ocean basin's seventh tropical depression as it organized. NOAA's GOES-East satellite ...

Satellite video shows Tropical Storm Beatriz fizzle in 6 hours

Satellite data from NASA and NOAA showed that Tropical Storm Beatriz went from a strong tropical storm to a remnant low pressure area in six short hours after running into Mexico's western mountains. An animation of imagery ...

Not all banking crises involve panics: study

A banking crisis is often seen as a self-fulfilling prophecy: The expectation of bank failure makes it happen. Picture people lining up to withdraw their money during the Great Depression or customers making a run on Britain's ...

Study: Moms' favoritism tied to depression in grown children

( -- Whether mom's golden child or her black sheep, siblings who sense that their mother consistently favors or rejects one child over others are more likely to show depressive symptoms as adults.

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