Rare mountain gorilla twins born in Rwanda

A mountain gorilla in northern Rwanda gave birth to twins, a rare occurrence for an endangered species which counts fewer than 800 individuals, Rwandan media reported Monday.

Mountain gorilla population grows

The population of mountain gorillas in their main central African habitat has increased by a quarter in seven years, regional authorities said Tuesday.

Norway the best place to live: UN

The United Nations on Thursday named oil-rich Norway as the country with the best quality of life, while Asia has made the biggest strides in recent decades.

'Extinct' frogs haven't croaked -- scientists

Delighted conservationists announced on Wednesday they had found two species of African frog and a Mexican salamander that had been feared to extinct.

Illegal bushmeat trade rife in Europe

More than five tonnes of illegal bushmeat is being smuggled in personal luggage each week through one of Europe's busiest airports, reveals new research published in Conservation Letters today.

Bonobos say no by shaking their heads

(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists report having observed and filmed bonobos (also known as pygmy chimpanzees) shaking their heads to say “no” to prevent an unwanted behavior in another animal. Bonobos have never before been ...

Scientists to study biodiversity along river Congo

A large team of DR Congolese and Belgian scientists will next week embark on a 47-day expedition to study the fauna and flora along central Africa's Congo river, organisers announced Wednesday.

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