Climate change is triggering a migrant crisis in Vietnam

The Vietnamese Mekong Delta is one of Earth's most agriculturally productive regions and is of global importance for its exports of rice, shrimp, and fruit. The 18m inhabitants of this low-lying river delta are also some ...

Scientists see order in complex patterns of river deltas

River deltas, with their intricate networks of waterways, coastal barrier islands, wetlands and estuaries, often appear to have been formed by random processes, but scientists at the University of California, Irvine and other ...

Tides stabilize deltas until humans interfere

Human interference in river deltas is massive. And despite global concerns about river delta degradation, human activity in the world's largest deltas still intensifies. The extraction of natural resources, sediment retention ...

Thawing permafrost releases old greenhouse gas

The thawing permafrost soils in the Arctic regions might contribute to the greenhouse effect in two respects: On the one hand, rising temperatures lead to higher microbial methane production close to the surface. On the other ...

Can California fish catch break with giant tunnels? Depends

Gov. Jerry Brown's plan to route much of California's mightiest river into two massive tunnels poses new perils for salmon and other struggling native species, but could give them a couple of breaks as well, experts and project ...

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