High-order synthetic dimensions in waveguide photonic lattices

In physics, a very intuitive way of describing the evolution of a system proceeds via the specification of functions of the spatiotemporal coordinates. Yet, there often exist other degrees of freedom in terms of which the ...

COVID-19 has hit women hard, especially working mothers

A new analysis of USC's Understanding Coronavirus in America Study has found that women, particularly those without a college degree, suffered more job losses than men and bore significantly greater responsibility for child ...

A cheap organic steam generator to purify water

It has been estimated that in 2040 a quarter of the world's children will live in regions where clean and drinkable water is lacking. The desalination of seawater and the purification of wastewater are two possible methods ...

March 2020 among hottest on record: EU

Temperatures last month were among the hottest on record for March, the European Union's satellite monitoring service said Monday, with particularly extreme warm weather over Russia, home to much of Earth's permafrost.

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