NASA system predicts impact of small asteroid

A small asteroid hit Earth's atmosphere over the Norwegian Sea before disintegrating on March 11, 2022. But this event wasn't a complete surprise: Astronomers knew it was on a collision course, predicting exactly where and ...

Fix, not fight: Scientists help plants regenerate after injury

After injury, plants make a trade-off between repairing damaged tissue and ramping up their defenses, according to a new study led by researchers in New York University's Center for Genomics and Systems Biology and published ...

Mapping the olfactory system in fruit flies

The distinctive smell of a flower… the unmistakable aroma of coffee… the dangers linked with inhaling smoke fumes. Sensory systems have evolved to provide us with immediate, finely tuned information about the world around ...

Bacteria can develop strong immunity for protection against viruses

A new study led by a team of bioscientists from Durham University, UK, in collaboration with University of Liverpool, Northumbria University and New England Biolabs, hopes to exploit newly characterized defense systems in ...

How plants ward off a dangerous world of pathogens

The world's plants, immobile and rooted in soil which contains potentially lethal micro-organisms, face a constant threat from invading pathogens. In recent years, however, scientists have discovered that plant species employ ...

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