New details emerge on deep sea, marine-submerged bodies

Findings of a new Simon Fraser University study could benefit investigators when bodies are recovered in deep water. It's the first to document carcass (pig) taphonomy (the study of what happens to organisms after death) ...

Tracing deep ocean currents

Radioactive isotopes typically take four years to reach the Norwegian coast from Sellafield on the north-eastern coast of England. Researchers like Yongqi Gao follow the radioactive waste to understand how ocean currents ...

'Freak' ocean waves hit without warning, new research shows

Mariners have long spoken of 'walls of water' appearing from nowhere in the open seas. But oceanographers have generally disregarded such stories and suggested that rogue waves - enormous surface waves that have attained ...

Melting Arctic ice cap could alter global thermostat: expert

The Arctic ice cap is melting faster than ever before, threatening to push so much fresh water into the North Atlantic that it could disrupt how the ocean regulates global temperatures, a prominent oceanographer has warned.

Robots – our new underwater 'astronauts'

Soon it may be easier to design, plan and carry out infrastructure operations in deep water. The EU project called "SWARMs" aims to achieve this by integrating autonomous vehicles such as ROVs and AUVs.

How fossil corals can shed light on the Earth's past climate

In a paper published today in Science, researchers from the University of Bristol describe how they used radiocarbon measured in deep-sea fossil corals to shed light on carbon dioxide (CO2) levels during the Earth's last ...

Copepod migrations are important for the ocean's uptake of CO2

In a scientific article recently published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), researchers from DTU Aqua, the University of Copenhagen and the University of Strathclyde, Scotland, have shown that the ...

Intensity of desert storms may affect ocean phytoplankton

Each spring, powerful dust storms in the deserts of Mongolia and northern China send thick clouds of particles into the atmosphere. Eastward winds sweep these particles as far as the Pacific, where dust ultimately settles ...

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