AI tool predicts the work rate of enzymes

Enzymes play a key role in cellular metabolic processes. To enable the quantitative assessment of these processes, researchers need to know the so-called "turnover number" (for short: kcat) of the enzymes. In the journal ...

Cuttlefish brain atlas first of its kind

Anything with three hearts, blue blood and skin that can change colors like a display in Times Square is likely to turn heads. Meet Sepia bandensis, known more descriptively as the camouflaging dwarf cuttlefish.

The making of a Mona Lisa hologram

Holograms are often displayed in science fiction as colorful, life-sized projections. But what seems like the technology of the future is actually the technology of the present, and now it has been used to recreate the Mona ...

ChatGPT makes materials research much more efficient

The artificial intelligence developer OpenAI promises to reshape the way people work and learn with its new chatbot called ChatGPT. At the University of Wisconsin–Madison, in fact, the large language model is already aiding ...

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