Related topics: gulf of mexico · oil

Why Britain's loudest bird is booming after decades of decline

The Eurasian bittern (Botaurus stellaris) is a reclusive bird belonging to the heron family. Close to the size of a chicken, bitterns are a mix of golden-brown mottled with delicate black and tan. With long, green legs and ...

Melting Antarctic could impact oceans 'for centuries'

Rapidly melting Antarctic ice threatens to dramatically slow deep-water currents in the world's oceans, scientists say, impacting the spread of fresh water, oxygen and life-sustaining nutrients for centuries.

Temperature-dependent adaptations of whale shark vision

Researchers in Japan led by the RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Kobe and Osaka Metropolitan University, Osaka, have discovered that whale shark vision has uniquely temperature-dependent adaptations unseen in ...

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