Climate change affects deep-sea corals and sponges differently

Corals and sponges are important foundations in ocean ecosystems providing structure and habitats that shelter a high number of species like fish, crabs and other creatures, particularly in the seamounts and canyons of the ...

Sparkling waters hide some lasting harm from 2010 oil spill

Ten years after a well blew wild under a BP platform in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 men and touching off the nation's worst offshore oil spill, gulf waters sparkle in the sunlight, its fish are safe to eat, and thick, ...

Learning how to restore deep-sea coral communities

The deep, cold waters off the rocky coast of Point Sur, California, are home to an unexpected community of organisms that most people associate with tropical settings—corals. Scientist Charlie Boch and his colleagues recently ...

New corals discovered on UKs highest underwater mountain

Heriot-Watt scientists have discovered new populations of deep-sea corals growing on the slopes of the UK's highest underwater mountain, a site recently added to the list of Scotland's new Marine Protected Areas.

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