Enhanced video quality despite poor network conditions

Professor Jinwoo Shin and Professor Dongsu Han from the School of Electrical Engineering developed neural adaptive content-aware internet video delivery. This technology is a novel method that combines adaptive streaming ...

Artificial neural networks make life easier for hearing aid users

For people with hearing loss, it can very difficult to understand and separate voices in noisy environments. This problem may soon be history thanks to a new groundbreaking algorithm that is designed to recognise and separate ...

Deep learning for electron microscopy

Finding defects in electron microscopy images takes months. Now, there's a faster way. It's called MENNDL, the Multinode Evolutionary Neural Networks for Deep Learning. It creates artificial neural networks—computational ...

Aleksander Madry on building trustworthy artificial intelligence

Machine learning algorithms now underlie much of the software we use, helping to personalize our news feeds and finish our thoughts before we're done typing. But as artificial intelligence becomes further embedded in daily ...

Where deep learning meets metamaterials

Breakthroughs in the field of nanophotonics—how light behaves on the nanometer scale—have paved the way for the invention of "metamaterials," man-made materials that have enormous applications, from remote nanoscale sensing ...

Artificial intelligence will make you smarter

The future won't be made by either humans or machines alone – but by both, working together. Technologies modeled on how human brains work are already augmenting people's abilities, and will only get more influential as ...

Helping to improve medical image analysis with deep learning

Medical imaging creates tremendous amounts of data: many emergency room radiologists must examine as many as 200 cases each day, and some medical studies contain up to 3,000 images. Each patient's image collection can contain ...

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