Related topics: satellite

Watch a real-time map of Starlink satellites orbiting Earth

In an effort to enhance the educational outreach of Starlink constellation, an interactive global map of SpaceX Starlink internet satellites provides live coverage of every satellite in orbit around the Earth.

Surprising insights about debris flows on Mars

The period that liquid water was present on the surface of Mars may have been shorter than previously thought. Channel landforms called gullies, previously thought to be formed exclusively by liquid water, can also be formed ...

Heritage ERS-2 satellite returns to Earth

Launched in 1995, ERS-2 was a pioneering Earth observation satellite that greatly influenced our understanding of our planet and climate change. Despite an intended operational life of only three years, the satellite had ...

European satellite to crash back to Earth within week

A large satellite which ended its mission 13 years ago will come crashing down to Earth in an uncontrolled manner within the next week, but there is almost zero chance it will hurt anyone, the European Space Agency has said.

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