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UN climate talks home in on fossil fuel deal

UN climate talks enter their endgame on Monday as negotiators seek to convince an increasingly isolated Saudi Arabia and other holdouts to give up their opposition to a historic phase-out of fossil fuels.

What is a COP?

The crunch climate talks being held in Dubai from November 30 to December 12 will be the 28th such gathering of world leaders under UN auspices known as COPs.

Investors miss out when tax deals are concealed

Investors could benefit if they had timely information about non-income tax deals, according to new research from The University of Texas at Austin that finds companies that get them have higher future stock returns.

FinTech companies true to their word after Brexit

UK FinTech firms who predicted in 2018 that they would partly relocate their UK operations to the European Union after Brexit have largely followed through with their plans, according to new research published this week in ...

Rich nations oppose new biodiversity fund

Creating a new global fund for biodiversity—a core demand of developing countries at UN talks in Montreal—"would take years" and be less effective than reforming existing financial mechanisms, Canada's environment minister ...

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