Switching gears toward efficient datacenters with photonics

How can we scale-up datacenters in such a way that they can handle more data at lower cost, while consuming less energy? At Eindhoven University of Technology, Ph.D. student Gonzalo Guelbenzu developed strategies to process ...

Dell buying US datacenter networking firm

US computer maker Dell on Wednesday announced a deal to buy high-performance datacenter networking firm Force10 in a move aimed at broadening offerings for businesses.

Amazon plans wind farm to power its datacenters

Long criticized by some environmentalists for indifference to clean energy, Amazon.com took a big step toward using renewable energy Tuesday, announcing plans to support the construction and operation of a wind farm in western ...

Fujitsu develops data-transfer acceleration technology

Fujitsu Laboratories today announced the development of a technology for accelerating data transfer speeds that can be applied to various types of network environments used for cloud, mobile applications and other services.

Adobe fans mobile gadget game flames

Adobe released a free tool kit to make it easier for developers to create Flash-based games to ride the growing wave of playing on smartphones, tablets, and in Internet browsers.

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