Related topics: security

Microsoft, US clash in court on overseas email warrant

Microsoft and the US government clashed Wednesday in an appellate court hearing on law enforcement access to emails stored overseas, in a case with important implications for global data protection.

Audit: California agencies vulnerable to IT security breach

Many California state agencies are not complying with the state's information technology standards, leaving them vulnerable to a major security breach of sensitive data such as Social Security numbers, health information ...

Q&A: Ashley Madison hack only latest high-profile breach

The data breach affecting customers of the Ashley Madison website may be salacious, embarrassing or even ruinous for those involved. But it's only the latest, and not the biggest, high-profile breach of customer or employee ...

Homeland official asks Black Hat crowd to build trust

A top Obama administration official says the government and the data security community need to focus on building trust so information about cyber threats can be shared between them for the greater good.

Top US official quits after massive government hack

The director of the US Office of Personnel Management resigned Friday after a devastating hack of government databases that saw the personal information of millions of federal workers and contractors stolen.

Personnel office not the worst in terms of lax cybersecurity

The federal government has for years failed to take basic steps to protect its data from hackers and thieves, putting at risk everything from nuclear secrets to the private tax information of hundreds of millions of Americans, ...

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