World's biggest shipper: cyberattack cost up to $300 million

The June cyberattack that paralyzed the computer systems in companies around the world is estimated to have cost the world's biggest container shipping line between $200 million and $300 million, A.P. Moller-Maersk said Wednesday.

Best Buy warns of data breach

Best Buy is warning that some of its customers' payment information may have been compromised in a data breach.

Bypassing popular passwords

Every year computer security companies share their findings regarding passwords and data breaches. Again and again, they warn computer users to use complex passwords and not to use the same passwords for different accounts. ...

Target says be wary of phishing emails

Target says it has learned of some incidents of scam emails related to its recent data breach and is setting up a section of its corporate website to post copies of all official communication.

Few consumers penalize companies after data breach, study finds

About a quarter of American adults reported that they were notified about their personal information being part of a data breach in the previous year, but only 11 percent of those who have ever been notified say they stopped ...

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