Advancing health research through Canada's fastest supercomputer

The University of Alberta's Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology (LKSIOV) and the Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP) are pleased to announce their partnership to support advanced research using high-performance ...

Hitachi develops technology to anonymize encrypted personal data

Hitachi announced the development of technology to securely anonymize encrypted personal data. Anonymization converts information related to individuals, personal information, to a form which cannot identify the individual. ...

New study pits big data against intuition

A Massey University PhD student is delving into the decision-making processes of companies to understand whether judgement calls based on big data produce better outcomes.

Is big data still big news?

People talk about 'data being the new oil', a natural resource that companies need to exploit and refine. But is this really true or are we in the realm of hype? Mohamed Zaki explains that, while many companies are already ...

Topology looks for the patterns inside big data

Big data gets much attention from media, industry and government. Companies and labs generate massive amounts of data associated with everything from weather to cell phone usage to medical records, and each data set may involve ...

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