US calls for cyber reform after massive hack

The White House urged Congress to come out of the "dark ages" and pass new cyber security rules, using a massive security breach to press its case for reform.

Shining message about the end of the Dark Ages

An international team, including researchers from the Centre for Astronomy of Heidelberg University (ZAH), has discovered three "cosmic Methusalems" from the earliest years of the universe. These unusual stars are about 13 ...

Is social media creating a digitally dependent culture?

Unless you've taken a time machine back to the dark ages, you're well aware that social media is everywhere. The question many ask is whether social media has invented a digital culture or simply removed the red tape to a ...

Lunar telescope project aims to search for ancient radio waves

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory are leading a new effort to land a radio telescope on the moon. If successful, the project will mark the first step towards exploring the ...

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