New laws threaten Brazil's unique ecosystems

Brazil's globally significant ecosystems could be exposed to mining and dams if proposals currently being debated by the Brazilian Congress go ahead, according to researchers publishing in the journal Science this week.

Small dams on Chinese river harm environment more than expected

( —A fresh look at the environmental impacts of dams on an ecologically diverse and partially protected river in China found that small dams can pose a greater threat to ecosystems and natural landscapes than large ...

Americans use more efficient and renewable energy technologies

(—Americans used less energy in 2011 than in the previous year due mainly to a shift to higher-efficiency energy technologies in the transportation and residential sectors. Meanwhile, less coal was used but more ...

Optical fibers in materials: an artificial nervous system

(—When placed inside a material, optical fibers act like artificial nerves, transmitting valuable information about a structure's state of fatigue and wear. A new technique developed at EPFL makes it possible to ...

Small dams, big impact on Mekong River fish: study

Plans to build hydropower dams along small branches of southeast Asia's longest river could have a devastating impact on millions of people who rely on the world's largest inland fishery, scientists said Monday.

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