Researchers help 'extinct in the wild' toad return home

(—Scientists from the University of Georgia Savannah River Ecology Laboratory have helped to reintroduce a species of toad declared extinct in the wild to its native range-the world's first reintroduction of an ...

Invertebrates on the brink

One fifth of the world's invertebrates may be heading for extinction according to 'Spineless', a report published today (Friday 31st) by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), in conjunction with IUCN and the IUCN Species ...

Forest dam threatens Thailand's tigers: WWF

A proposed dam that would flood part of a national park in western Thailand represents a "significant new threat" to the kingdom's tigers, wildlife group WWF warned on Wednesday.

Brazil Supreme Court approves work on Amazon dam

Brazil's Supreme Court has approved the resumption of work on the huge Belo Monte dam in the Amazon, which was halted earlier this month after protests from indigenous groups.

Brazil court orders work on Amazon dam suspended

A federal court in Brazil has ordered the suspension of work on the huge Belo Monte hydro-electric dam in the Amazon, the third largest dam in the world, a court official said Tuesday.

Dams impact carbon dynamics in U.S. rivers

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC)—which leaches into freshwater systems from plants, soils, and sediments, and from other detritus present in the water itself—is the major food supplement for microorganisms and plays ...

Ethiopian dam spurs debate

The mud-coloured Omo River which snakes through green gorges, feeding lush vegetation and providing vital water to one of Ethiopia's most remote regions, will also power a contentious dam project.

Researchers map fish species at risk from dams

Dams are believed to be one of the biggest threats to freshwater organisms worldwide: They disrupt normal patterns of water and sediment flow, impede migration, and alter the character of spawning and feeding grounds. A shortage ...

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