Damage assessment of runaway barges at Marseilles lock and dam

It takes a synchronized lock and dam system—operating like a motorized flight of stairs on the Illinois River, using gravity to move the water—to maintain a minimum depth for boat traffic. A disastrous domino effect occurred ...

Making dams safer for fish around the world

Think of the pressure change you feel when an elevator zips you up multiple floors in a tall building. Imagine how you'd feel if that elevator carried you all the way up to the top of Mt. Everest – in the blink of an eye.

Platform would protect smartphones from cyber criminals

Criminals don't have to pick your pocket to get what they want out of your mobile. But a certifiably secure operating platform is being developed by Swedish researchers so that consumers can be confident that their mobile ...

Laos dam plan threatens existence of rare dolphin

A dam which Laos plans to build across the Mekong River could wipe out critically endangered dolphins in downstream Cambodia, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) warned on Thursday.

Researcher finds human activity muddies causes of Texas floods

Periodic flooding in Texas—one the most flood-prone states in the nation—cannot be firmly linked to climate change due to numerous dams and other manmade structures introduced over the years, according to a University ...

Policy issues plague hydropower as wind power backup

Theoretically, hydropower can step in when wind turbines go still, but barriers to this non-polluting resource serving as a backup are largely policy- and regulation-based, according to Penn State researchers.

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