California salmon will have places to chill with dam removal

A $100 million project removing dams and helping fish route around others is returning a badly endangered salmon to spring-fed waters in northernmost California, giving cold-loving native fish a life-saving place to chill ...

Oroville crisis drives harder look at aging US dams

One year after the worst structural failures at a major U.S. dam in a generation, federal regulators who oversee California's half-century-old, towering Oroville Dam say they are looking hard at how they overlooked its built-in ...

Technology and nature are historically interconnected

Stanford historian Mikael Wolfe argues that technology and nature are usually thought of as opposites, but he advocates for what is known as an envirotech approach to the historical relationship between the two – technology ...

Project seeks sustainable blueprint for hydropower dams

In the Pacific Northwest, the conversation about hydroelectric dams is complicated: Dams hamper the natural migration of salmon, yet they are an important source of cheap, renewable energy for the region.

Wildlife in the ditches need a detox cure

When it's raining on the roads, slopes of road dust and contaminants drain into the trenches. What impact does it have on wildlife living by the road?

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