Hydropower dams can harm coastal areas far downstream

Thousands of hydroelectric dams are under construction around the world, mainly in developing countries. These enormous structures are one of the world's largest sources of renewable energy, but they also cause environmental ...

Attacks on Brazil's ecological paradises threaten biodiversity

Brazil is home to more than half of the world's plant and animal species, but its ecological paradises are facing growing threats from agriculture and mining lobbies who have found a champion in far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, ...

Mapping industrial 'hum' in the US

Using a dense sensor network that scanned the United States between 2003 and 2014, researchers have identified areas within the country marked by a persistent seismic signal caused by industrial processes.

Studying reintroduction of bull trout with simulations

A multi-institutional team of researchers, led by Meryl Mims, has assessed how environmental, demographic, and genetic factors play a role in the reintroduction of bull trout in Washington State.

A new study reveals the Amazon is losing surface water

A new study shows that large amounts of surface freshwater are being lost every year in the Amazon. The changes are being caused by human intervention, including hydropower dams and deforestation, and climate change.

Ecosystem responses to dam removal complex, but predictable

In the United States, the removal of dams now outpaces the construction of new ones—with more than 1,400 dams decommissioned since the 1970s—and a new study suggests that the ecosystem effects of dam removal can be predicted.

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