Arizona dam at risk of failure will be checked by engineers

A damaged earthen dam holding back a lake swollen by runoff from the remnants of a tropical storm was still at risk of failing Thursday and inundating a small Native American village near the U.S.-Mexico border, officials ...

EU, Germany to fund Ivory Coast solar power station

German and EU cash will be used to finance the first solar power station in Ivory Coast, Germany's embassy in Abidjan said Wednesday, as the West African country attempts to boost its use of renewable energy.

Renewable energy and the fight over Guatemalan rivers

One morning last year, Santiago (not his real name), a campesino (peasant farmer) who grows corn and mangoes in southwestern Guatemala, left his home with a plan to engage in industrial sabotage.

Using artificial intelligence to locate risky dams

In the U.S., 15,498 of the more than 88,000 dams in the country are categorized as having high hazard potential—meaning that if they fail, they could kill people. As of 2015, some 2,000 of these high hazard dams are in ...

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