Judge scraps Amazon dam hearing

A federal judge has suspended a planned hearing for fishermen and indigenous people occupying a disputed dam in Brazil's Amazon after they failed to vacate the site, developers said.

Rangers losing battle in Philippine forests

Father-of-five Alex Lesber patrols one of the Philippines' most important forests carrying a cheap pistol and memories of a pastor being shot dead in front of him.

Invertebrates on the brink

One fifth of the world's invertebrates may be heading for extinction according to 'Spineless', a report published today (Friday 31st) by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), in conjunction with IUCN and the IUCN Species ...

Forest dam threatens Thailand's tigers: WWF

A proposed dam that would flood part of a national park in western Thailand represents a "significant new threat" to the kingdom's tigers, wildlife group WWF warned on Wednesday.

Optical fibers in materials: an artificial nervous system

(Phys.org)—When placed inside a material, optical fibers act like artificial nerves, transmitting valuable information about a structure's state of fatigue and wear. A new technique developed at EPFL makes it possible to ...

Brazil Supreme Court approves work on Amazon dam

Brazil's Supreme Court has approved the resumption of work on the huge Belo Monte dam in the Amazon, which was halted earlier this month after protests from indigenous groups.

Something fishy about proposed dams

(Phys.org)—Millions of people are in danger of going hungry if the construction of dams on the lower Mekong River in South-East Asia goes ahead, according to research from The Australian National University.

Brazil court orders work on Amazon dam suspended

A federal court in Brazil has ordered the suspension of work on the huge Belo Monte hydro-electric dam in the Amazon, the third largest dam in the world, a court official said Tuesday.

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