Rare African script offers clues to the evolution of writing

The world's very first invention of writing took place over 5000 years ago in the Middle East, before it was reinvented in China and Central America. Today, almost all human activities—from education to political systems ...

Japanese tycoon 'excited' ahead of trip to ISS

Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa said Tuesday he was "excited" ahead of his mission to the International Space Station, which marks Russia's return to space tourism.

Tribocatalysis: Challenges and perspectives

With an increasing global energy demands and environmental pollution, the development of alternative clean energy technologies has aroused widespread research interest. Harvesting and converting natural energy from the environment, ...

Skyrmion research: Braids of nanovortices discovered

A team of scientists from Germany, Sweden and China has discovered a new physical phenomenon: complex braided structures made of tiny magnetic vortices known as skyrmions. Skyrmions were first detected experimentally a little ...

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