The extreme Pacific climate now

The climate over the tropical Pacific is in an extreme state at the moment. That explains some of the extreme anomalies affecting the United States right now. It also gives us a window through which we can glimpse how even ...

NASA finds heavy rain potential in tropical storm Sarai

NASA analyzed the cloud top temperatures in Tropical Storm Sarai using infrared light to determine the strength of the storm. Sarai has triggered warnings for Fiji and Tonga in the Southern Pacific Ocean,

Fiji braces for Cyclone Sarai

Tropical Cyclone Sarai was bearing down off the coast of Fiji on Friday, with the archipelago's disaster agency warning some residents to move to higher ground ahead of possible flooding.

NASA sees Winston winding down near Norfolk Island

The once Category 5 Tropical Cyclone Winston was winding down when NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite passed over it early on Feb. 25 is it continued weakening in the South Pacific. Now sub-tropical, Winston was threatening ...

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