Related topics: security · south korea · security firm

Tech 101: How a denial-of-service attack works

(AP) -- Investigators are piecing together details about one of the most aggressive computer attacks in recent memory - a powerful "denial-of-service" assault that overwhelmed computers at U.S. and South Korean government ...

New cybersecurity tool suite demonstrated

A new suite of cybersecurity software tools is being demonstrated at Idaho National Lab this week. The tools will help the electric utility industry protect their control system networks from cyber attack.

Finland facing large-scale hacking attacks: police

Finland is being targeted by a cyber activism campaign, police acknowledged Tuesday, after an apparent local branch of online "hacktivist" group Anonymous said it had hacked some 500,000 email accounts.

London-based banks simulate giant cyber-attack

Dozens of London-based banks joined other financial institutions in the capital on Tuesday for a giant exercise to test their defences against a cyber-attack, officials said.

Self-learning security system for computer networks

Cyber attacks on computer networks are becoming increasingly commonplace. To counter the threat, they are protected by so-called network intrusion detection systems. But these fail to identify some attacks, or do not spot ...

Smart gadgets from guns to cars ripe for hacking

Hackers are not just after your computer: connected devices from cars to home security systems to sniper rifles are now targets for actors looking to steal or cause mischief.

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