Improving light and heat spectra measurements

Whether you want to investigate objects in space, characterize the quality of light sources, optimize photovoltaics modules or analyze chemical compounds, measuring the spectrum of light- or heat sources is often the method ...

LG unveils curved-screen smartphone

LG Electronics unveiled Monday a curved-screen smartphone, taking on rival Samsung in a niche market seen as a first step on the road to fully flexible products.

LG Chem turns to stepped, curve and cable batteries

( —Stories have been rolling in from technology news sites this week about vendors in a race to debut curved smartphones and flexible OLED panels for smartphones. Also making news on Tuesday is Seoul, South Korean-based ...

Astronomers take sharpest photos ever of the night sky (Update)

Astronomers at the University of Arizona, the Arcetri Observatory near Florence, Italy and the Carnegie Observatory have developed a new type of camera that allows scientists to take sharper images of the night sky than ever ...

Explained: Graphs

When most people hear the word "graph," an image springs to mind: a pair of perpendicular lines overlaid with a line, a curve, or bars of different heights.

'Brave' features hair-raising animations

Trying to curl hair into perfect spiral curls is difficult enough to do in real life but for the team of scientists and artists at Pixar the quest to create a wild mane of curls for Merida, the redheaded heroine of their ...

US military to pack more BlackBerry smartphones

Research In Motion (RIM) on Wednesday announced that the US Department of Defense staff and partners have been given the go-ahead to use more of the Canadian firm's BlackBerry OS 7 smartphones.

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