More Michigan students taking, passing advanced math

Michigan high school students are going above and beyond the required math curriculum, likely an effect of the state's graduation requirements, finds new research from Michigan State University.

My CV is gender biased. Here's what I plan to do about it

As a woman working in the environmental sciences, it was always obvious to me that most of my colleagues are men. This tended to focus my attention on surviving in a field in which I automatically contribute to diversity ...

Curricular changes show success by fourth year

In a four-year study, a group of science faculty finds that student buy-in to a new curriculum, and therefore satisfaction, increases with each successive undergraduate cohort—and learning gains did not suffer. The researchers ...

Why so many U.S. students aren't learning math

"Horrendous" is a word James Stigler uses to describe how little math many U.S. students learn in middle schools and high schools. He should know; Stigler, a UCLA professor of developmental and cognitive psychology, has been ...

How to teach kids where food comes from – get them gardening

Survey the shelves of most supermarkets and you'll no doubt be confronted with row upon row of food designed to appeal to children. Be it chicken nuggets or turkey twizzlers – many foods now bear little resemblance to their ...

Standardised tests are culturally biased against rural students

It is generally reported that rural students are up to one and a half years behind their metropolitan peers in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) and Programme for International Student Assessment ...

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