How can we teach kids critical thinking skills?

Few people doubt the value of developing students' thinking skills. A 2013 survey in the United States found 93% of employers believe a candidate's "demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve ...

Can sex trafficking be prevented?

The high-profile case of Jeffrey Epstein has shined a light on the reality that minors are being commercially sexually exploited, and that sexual exploitation can happen in any neighborhood, city, state, or country.

More Michigan students taking, passing advanced math

Michigan high school students are going above and beyond the required math curriculum, likely an effect of the state's graduation requirements, finds new research from Michigan State University.

My CV is gender biased. Here's what I plan to do about it

As a woman working in the environmental sciences, it was always obvious to me that most of my colleagues are men. This tended to focus my attention on surviving in a field in which I automatically contribute to diversity ...

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