Fix for Mars lander 'mole' may be working

Representatives from NASA's InSight project have reported via Twitter that efforts by the team at the German Aerospace Center (GAC) to push a probe called the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (more affectionately ...

Jupiter's unknown journey through the early solar system revealed

It is known that gas giants around other stars are often located very near their sun. According to accepted theory, these gas planets were formed far away and subsequently migrated to an orbit closer to the star. Now, researchers ...

Deciphering the mysterious math of the solar wind

(—Many areas of scientific research—Earth's weather, ocean currents, the outpouring of magnetic energy from the sun—require mapping out the large scale features of a complex system and its intricate details ...

Let the robot take the wheel: Autonomous navigation in space

Tracking spacecraft as they traverse deep space isn't easy. So far, it's been done manually, with operators of NASA's Deep Space Network, one of the most capable communication arrays for contacting probes on interplanetary ...

Insights into the Yellowstone hotspot

The Yellowstone hotspot is well known for generating supereruptions in the geologic past that are far more explosive than historic examples. The origin and sustained longevity of the hotspot is less understood but is focused ...

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