The surprising origins of the Tarim Basin mummies

As part of the Silk Road and located at the geographical intersection of Eastern and Western cultures, the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has long served as a major crossroads for trans-Eurasian exchanges of people, cultures, ...

'Autonomous help-seeking' on the job pays dividends for workers

In the modern workplace, the mechanics of seeking help on the job aren't clearly understood by managers or employees, especially regarding its interpersonal benefits and costs. A new paper co-written by a team of University ...

Fish eyes grown in a petri dish from embryonic stem cells

A research team from the Centre for Organismal Studies (COS) of Heidelberg University has demonstrated that complex retinal tissue can be cultured in a Petri dish from embryonic stem cells of bony fish. Until now, stem cells ...

Central European prehistory was highly dynamic

Recent archaeogenetic studies have shown that human movements like migrations and expansions played a major role in driving the spread of cultures and genes in ancient Europe. However, it is only now with detailed regional ...

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