Database shows the diversity of the world's languages

What shapes the structure of languages? In a new study, an international team of researchers reports that grammatical structure is highly flexible across languages, shaped by common ancestry, constraints on cognition and ...

Evidence of drug use during Bronze Age ceremonies

An analysis of strands of human hair from a burial site in Menorca, Spain, indicates that ancient human civilizations used hallucinogenic drugs derived from plants, reports a new paper published in Scientific Reports. These ...

Growing cells on synthetic PIC gel could save millions of mice

The synthetic PIC gel, discovered in 2013 by Radboud University chemists, appears to behave like collagen. This makes the gel very useful for studying interactions between cells and their immediate environment. In practice, ...

The colors on these ancient pots hint at the power of an empire

Color plays a huge role in our lives—the hues we wear and decorate with are a way for us to signal who we are, where we're from, and what we care about. And it's been that way for a long time. In a new study in the Journal ...

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