Underwater jars reveal Roman period winemaking practices

Winemaking practices in coastal Italy during the Roman period involved using native grapes for making wine in jars waterproofed with imported tar pitch, according to a study published June 29, 2022 in PLOS ONE by Louise Chassouant ...

Canada considering tax on internet giants

The Canadian government is looking at how to regulate and tax internet giants such as Google, Facebook and Netflix, as it moves to improve protections for its cultural sector, an official said Wednesday.

Healthy plants appear to carry bacteria in their cells

International experts have described for the first time how healthy plants appear to carry bacteria in their cells, opening a new avenue of research to improve future plant health and propagation efforts—including food ...

People need more time to experiment and fail at work

In 1928 Scottish microbiologist Alexander Fleming, while studying the staphylococcus bacteria, noticed mold on his petri dishes inhibited its growth. He experimented, leading to the discovery of penicillin, the first antibiotic.

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