Exploring language acquisition in multilingual children

Language learning is a human universality. There is no human culture without language, and in every culture, children naturally pick up the language or languages used by those around them. Yet cultures and languages are extremely ...

The colors on these ancient pots hint at the power of an empire

Color plays a huge role in our lives—the hues we wear and decorate with are a way for us to signal who we are, where we're from, and what we care about. And it's been that way for a long time. In a new study in the Journal ...

Teachers change lives—but what makes a great teacher?

Excellent teachers can change our lives. Researchers have shown that good teachers encourage us to think critically, reflect and learn across disciplines. These are all skills that can set us up for life.

Ice Age survivors: Paleogenomics study

Modern humans began to spread across Eurasia about 45,000 years ago, but previous research showed that the first modern humans that arrived in Europe did not contribute to later populations. A new study published in Nature ...

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