Defying the koi herpes virus

Whether grilled, spicy with bell peppers or breaded in flour and fried floating in oil – the carp is one of the most popular edible fish. A dreaded threat to the up to 15 kilos fried fish: the koi herpes virus (KHV). It ...

Cell cultures go for the gold

A wide variety of research relies on growing cells in culture on Earth, but handling these cells is challenging. With better techniques, scientists hope to reduce loss of cells from culture media, create cultures in specific ...

Light can be utilized to control gene function

Light can be used as an accurate method to control gene expression, shows groundbreaking optogenetics study by University of Colorado, Duke University and University of Helsinki researchers.

New platform for culturing stem cells

A team of researchers in Japan has developed a new platform for culturing human pluripotent stem cells that provides far more control of culture conditions than previous tools by using micro and nanotechnologies.

A nanofiber matrix for healing

A new nanofiber-on-microfiber matrix could help produce more and better quality stem cells for disease treatment and regenerative therapies.

Sea anemone proteins could repair damaged hearing

Summer is always the best time of year to get a good blasting at a festival or mega-band concert, but how many of us give a thought to our delicate sense of hearing as our ears are assaulted? Birds are capable of replacing ...

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