Buildings key to beating earthquakes

Strong buildings in earthquake zones are by the best form of defence against tremors, University of Edinburgh expert says.

Male politicians have 'bigger heads' in more gender-equal cultures

When it comes to analyzing gender stereotypes in the media, studies have shown that photographs of men focus on male faces while photographs of women are more focused on women's bodies. A recent study from Psychology of Women ...

Copyright -- a conceptual battle in a digital age

Our language is made up of metaphors, even in our legal texts. Stefan Larsson has studied what consequences this has when digital phenomena, such as file sharing and downloading, are limited by descriptions intended for an ...

Music and spirituality may be legacies of motherese: expert

( -- Ancient humans may have developed a capacity for music and a sense of spirituality linked to music because of the foetal/infant-maternal bond, according to international authority on the origins of music, ...

Anthropologist examines stigma of infertility in Nigeria

In sub-Saharan Africa, the issue of infertility is often obscured by the region's high fertility rates. Though problematic, particularly for women, little is known about how different regions understand and respond to infertility ...

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