Scientists build an exceptional surface out of exceptional points

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory are exceptional in many respects. Working in collaboration with the Imperial College London, for example, they have conducted research on a phenomenon ...

Massive photons in an artificial magnetic field

An international research collaboration from Poland, the UK and Russia has created a two-dimensional system—a thin optical cavity filled with liquid crystal—in which they trapped photons. As the properties of the cavity ...

Researchers synthesize 'impossible' superconductor

Researchers from the U.S., Russia, and China have bent the rules of classical chemistry and synthesized a "forbidden" compound of cerium and hydrogen—CeH9—which exhibits superconductivity at a relatively low pressure ...

How molecular footballs burst in an X-ray laser beam

An international research team has observed in real time how football molecules made of carbon atoms burst in the beam of an X-ray laser. The study shows the temporal course of the bursting process, which takes less than ...

The perfect atomic-scale sieve

Graphene is perfectly selective to protons and blocks even smallest ions like chlorine, University of Manchester research shows. This result will be important for the development of graphene-based membranes for applications ...

Leiden physicists image lumpy superconductor

High-temperature superconductivity is one of the big mysteries in physics. Milan Allan's research group used a Josephson Scanning Tunneling Microscope to image spatial variations of superconducting particles for the first ...

Researchers modify magnetic behavior of exotic materials

People are not the only ones to be occasionally frustrated. Some crystals also show frustrations. They do so whenever their elementary magnets, the magnetic spins, cannot align properly. Cesium copper chloride (Cs2CuCl4) ...

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