Making teeming masses predictable

Once every three years, millions of Hindus gather for the Kumbh Mela, the biggest religious festival in the world. This spring, 60 to 80 million pilgrims travelled to the banks of the Shipra river, at the holy city of Ujjain, ...

The wisdom of (smaller) crowds

When guessing the weight of an ox or estimating how many marbles fill a jar, the many have been shown to be smarter than the few. These collective displays of intelligence have been dubbed 'the wisdom of crowds,' but exactly ...

France deploying anti-drone technology to protect Euro 2016

France will deploy anti-drone technology to interfere with and take control of any flying machines that violate no-fly zones over stadiums at the European Championship, part of unprecedented measures to secure Europe's biggest ...

How teams of computers and humans can fight disasters

Over the past five years, researchers from Oxford University have been working on a collaborative project called ORCHID to develop new ways for humans and computers to work together.

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