Linguistic style is key to crowdfunding success

In one of the first crowdfunding studies focusing on social enterprises, researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have found that how a pitch is voiced and worded is much more important for social entrepreneurs ...

Study finds three key factors to crowdfunding success

For entrepreneurs using crowdfunding to bring new products to market, high quality photos and video, previous crowdfunding success and positive comments from backers are the keys to a successful campaign, according to new ...

Federal regulators go after crowdfunding scam

Federal regulators are going after people who raise money online through crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and GoFundMe but don't follow through on their promises.

Range of options, prices brings in the crowdfunding bucks

It doesn't work in the traditional marketplace, but in the world of crowdfunding, giving consumers options and the choice to pay more for essentially the same product makes sense, new research confirms.

Singaporeans aid Vietnam tourist victim of phone scam

Singaporeans outraged by an electronics shop that left a Vietnamese tourist in tears after a phone-sale scam have raised thousands of dollars to compensate him, a crowdfunding site showed Thursday.

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