Testing barley's salt tolerance is a numbers game

Plant scientists are striving to cultivate crops that can cope with saline soils in the hope that this may help feed the world's growing population, particularly in the face of climate change. Now, KAUST researchers have ...

Drone research may benefit farmers

A Binghamton student researcher has been using drones to check crop stress in upstate New York, working with local farmers to identify problems before the plants cannot recover.

Research team discovers new microbe in wheat stem sawfly

A team of researchers in Montana State University's College of Agriculture has discovered a previously unidentified microbe that lives symbiotically with the wheat stem sawfly, a pest that causes hundreds of millions of dollars ...

Study offers new insights on impacts of crop trading in China

Feeding the world's growing population is one of the great challenges of the 21st century. This challenge is particularly pressing in China, which has 22% of the world's population but only 7% of the global cropland. Synthetic ...

Plant nutrient detector breakthrough

Findings from La Trobe University-led research could lead to less fertiliser wastage, saving millions of dollars for Australian farmers.

Researchers study how climate change affects crops in India

Kyle Davis is an environmental data scientist whose research seeks to increase food supplies in developing countries. He combines techniques from environmental science and data science to understand patterns in the global ...

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