Humans no longer have ancient defence mechanism against viruses

Insects and plants have an important ancient defence mechanism that helps them to fight viruses. This is encoded in their DNA. Scientists have long assumed that vertebrates - including humans - also had this same mechanism. ...

Video: How GMOs are, or are not, regulated

Pink pineapples, non-browning produce and other genetically modified organisms are becoming part of our food system. Though most scientists say they're safe, GMOs still face fierce opposition from critics. But what about ...

Can CRISPR feed the world?

As the world's population rises, scientists want to edit the genes of potatoes and wheat to help them fight plant diseases that cause famine.

New strains of staple crops serve up essential vitamins

More nutritious versions of staple crops could increase daily vitamin and mineral intake for millions of people with poor diets, helping to overcome undernourishment that can cause blindness, brittle bones, feeble muscles ...

Committee responds to critique of gene engineering report

Providing blanket approval or condemnation of all genetically engineered (GE) crops oversimplifies a complex issue and ignores the continued need for scrutiny, risk assessment and debate among various stakeholders – including ...

Weed scientist finds slight rise in herbicide chronic toxicity

A University of Wyoming weed scientist—frustrated with the noise surrounding genetically modified organisms and glyphosate use—analyzed data to see for himself if biotech adoption has had a negative or positive effect ...

Key mechanism in the plant defense against fungal infections

Each year, fungal infections destroy at least 125 million tons of the world's five most important crops—rice, wheat, maize, soybeans and potatoes—a quantity that could feed 600 million people. Fungi are not only a problem ...

New tool can help estimate genetically modified pollen spread

Food purists may have cause to celebrate thanks to a recent international study directed by the University of British Columbia. The study, which evaluated the spread of genetically modified (GM) organisms to non-modified ...

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