48 Hawaii-only species given endangered listing

(AP) -- Wildlife officials lauded Washington's "holistic approach" to conservation in Hawaii after the Obama administration declared 48 species as endangered and announced plans to set aside more than 40 square miles on ...

Birth of rare Sumatran rhino hailed as major boost

The rare birth of a Sumatran rhino in Indonesia has been hailed a victory for the critically endangered species, which has been almost wiped out in the wild by poaching and habitat destruction.

Some endangered sawfishes are having babies, no sex required

Some female members of a critically endangered species of sawfish are reproducing in the wild without sex. The discovery, reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on June 1, marks the first time living offspring ...

'Tiger heavyweight' Nepal hosts anti-poaching summit

Nepal's success in turning tiger-fearing villagers into their protectors has seen none of the endangered cats killed for almost three years, offering key lessons for an anti-poaching summit opening in Kathmandu on Monday.

US officials seek limits on "habitat" for imperiled species

The Trump administration is moving to restrict what land and water areas can be declared as "habitat" for imperiled plants and animals—potentially excluding locations that species could use in the future as climate change ...

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