Teaming up with robots

Critical situations are occurring with greater frequency at industrial workplaces – situations that could lead to serious job-related accidents. With the "4Save" toolbox from Fraunhofer, these dangers do not arise at all. ...

Irma: US crisis cell brings stranded tourists home

In flooded resorts and storm-ravaged beach hotels dotted along the Caribbean archipelago, hundreds of US tourists are waiting for news from the State Department crisis task force.

Wireless monitoring of newborns

An Italian SME has developed a wearable monitoring system for babies as they go through the sensitive period of the first two to four hours of life. The technology, whose market potential has been assessed with funding under ...

European researchers driving road safety

Safety while driving is paramount, and Europeans are making efforts to ensure our well-being in vehicles - whether we are behind the steering wheel or in a passenger seat. The project partners have pushed the envelope by ...