NASA tests Orion spacecraft parachute jettison over Arizona

Engineers testing the parachute system for NASA's Orion spacecraft increased the complexity of their tests Thursday, Jan. 16, adding the jettison of hardware designed to keep the capsule safe during flight.

NASA's Orion spacecraft proves sound under pressure

( —After a month of being poked, prodded and pressurized in ways that mimicked the stresses of spaceflight, NASA's Orion crew module successfully passed its static loads tests on Wednesday.

NASA progressing toward first launch of Orion spacecraft

(—Recent engineering advances by NASA and its industry partners across the country show important progress toward Exploration Flight Test-1 (EFT-1), the next step to launching humans to deep space. The uncrewed ...

Image: Orion test lab mockup for next flight completed

The construction of an Orion crew module and crew module adapter full-scale mockup has been completed at the Lockheed Martin Littleton, Colorado facility. This mockup was transferred to the Orion Test Lab (OTL) on May 13, ...

Orion in final assembly at Kennedy Space Center

Lockheed Martin and NASA engineers have started the process of installing the largest heat shield ever built onto the Orion spacecraft's crew module. The heat shield installation marks one of the final steps in the spacecraft's ...

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