Mammal bites dinosaur in 'once-in-a-lifetime' fossil find

A badger-like mammal was sinking its teeth into the ribs of a dinosaur three times its size when they were buried in volcanic ash 125 million years ago, capturing the pair in a deadly embrace.

Most complete study on Europe's greatest hadrosaur site published

The Basturs Poble site is what is known in English as a bone bed, a geological stratum containing a great number of fossils. The stratum dates back some 70 million years. It is the only one to have been found in Europe exclusively ...

Four dinosaur eggs identified in Coll de Nargo

The journal Cretaceous Research is publishing an article which recognizes four different dinosaur eggs (oospecies) in the Coll de Nargó area (Lleida Province, south-central Pyrenees). The research proves the coexistence ...

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