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Report: US carbon emissions grew in 2021

In the face of presidential orders and a flurry of legislation to curb carbon emissions, the volume of climate-warming gasses pumped into the atmosphere in the U.S. grew by more than 6 percent in 2021 after a pandemic-driven ...

Biden mulls reversing Trump rules on western grouse species

The Biden administration on Friday said it will consider new measures to protect greater sage grouse, a bird species once found across much of the U.S. West that has suffered drastic declines in recent decades due to oil ...

Study: Wraparound services boost outcomes for drug court clients

An evidence-based wraparound service model that reduces barriers to care was shown to enhance drug treatment courts' effectiveness in improving criminal justice and behavioral health outcomes among participants with co-occurring ...

Video shows students still get paddled in US schools

The image of a teacher paddling or spanking a student at school may seem to belong in a history book—as archaic a practice as the dunce cap. However, for thousands of students across America each year, the use of corporal ...

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