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Fifteen US states try to block Obama clean power plan

Fifteen US states have petitioned a federal court to block new rules by President Barack Obama's administration to encourage clean power and cut harmful carbon emissions from power plants.

The first battle for oil in Norway

Although it might seem like it, Norway's oil history did not begin with the first major discovery at the Ekofisk field in 1969 by Phillips Petroleum Co. It didn't even begin with the Balder discovery a couple of years earlier, ...

Colorado internet-tax case could change online shopping

Buying things online could get pricier after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a case Monday that could ultimately lead to states collecting billions of dollars in sales taxes lost to increasingly popular internet retailers.

Japan fleet sets sail for Antarctic whale hunt

A Japanese whaling fleet set sail for the Antarctic on Tuesday, on a mission to resume the slaughter after a one-year pause, with environmentalists slamming the move as a "crime against nature".

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